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Canada Post Disruption: We use alternative couriers to avoid delays.
Late September Newsletter, 2012

Late September Newsletter, 2012


News from MTSO, Late September 2012

Wishing you all the best as you settle in to the rhythm of the new season, now that your clients are back from their summer break!
* This newsletter spotlights Maternity and Pregnancy Massage, with links to video of Carole Osborne (formerly Osborne-Sheets) showing the side-lying system.
* We've also featured some handy self-care tools to help save your hands and wrists.
* As always, just click on the image to see full descriptions, or to buy.


Focus on Maternity and Pregnancy Massage

We've gathered our maternity massage resources so you can see them all together on our website HERE.

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Side-lying positioning system for massage during pregnancy

side-lying video

Click image for video of Carole Osborne demonstrating its use

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One of the many resource books on maternity massage

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Hand-L Tool $36.00

Hand L Tool

As a professional massage therapist your career provides you with the opportunity to help relieve others of pain and stress. Unfortunately, as a result of your work you may suffer from fatigued thumbs, fingers and joints. The Hand-L's unique patented design reduces stress on these areas and minimizes the chances of injury and fatigue and allows you to perform deep work easily.

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Thumbsaver $16.75

The Thumbsaver - Massage deeper and work longer

Deep Tissue work brings so much therapeutic relief and comfort to clients but can take its toll on massage therapy practioners thumbs and hands.
The Thumbsaver massage tool assists therapists by providing support and reducing the stress on joints and wrists from deeper tissue massage.


Bodywork Stools - from $65 to $165

Perfect Stools for Bodywork

Rolling stools, stationary stools, backless or with back support, check out our selection of bodywork stools! Strong, reliable and multi-use stools for reflexology, bodywork, and massage.

Fall Stress Removers

Try our pure Ayurvedic massage oils and Ayurvedic herbal supplements for your personal practice and self-care. Click on the image for more info.

Ayurveda: the sister science of Yoga.

Our Pure Ayurvedic massage oils are made in the 5000 year old traditional manner. Our Ayurvedic herbal supplements are based in the ancient tradition and use only the finest pure herbal ingredients, for your rejuvenation, well-being and health. We feature beautifully made oils created with only the purest ingredients by the same family for generations. Our herbs are sourced from family growers and blended according to methods preserved and handed down through the ages.

MTSO Bursary Notice

There's Still Time to apply!

Bursary Application Deadline: Oct. 30th
If you're an Alberta Massage School student, find the application info here. Call or email us if you have any questions.

Convenient Student Packages

Basic Student Pkg

MTSO Basic Student Package - $450.00 (compare at $526.92)

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MTSO Deluxe Student Package - $526.75 (compare at $658.00)

year 1 lavender

Year One Student Package $140.68 (compare at $156.31)

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Year Two Student Package - $195.19 (compare at $231.88)


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