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Canada Post Disruption: We use alternative couriers to avoid delays.
Staff Picks!

Staff Picks!

We asked our staff, what are your favourite products this month? Here are Vera's Picks:

Japanese Mint Oil 

Japanese Mint oil - pureOne of my favorite products in the store is the Japanese Mint oil. Besides the known and obvious benefits of this pure and natural oil like the heating and penetrating effects for spot treatment in massage, it helps to promote blood circulation,chest rub for chest and head cold, it relieves tight muscles and pain and it helps to treat sprains, swellings, dislocations, sport injuries and headaches, I also introduced this product to my everyday routine at home.

I use it to refresh my linens as well as using it on my cuts (for its antiseptic quality) and bruises. 

One of my friends used it on her foot to get rid of a fungus and another uses it on breakouts on her face (diluted of course). This is truly one of the most versatile products I've known. 

Japanese Mint oil

Ayurvedic oils 

ayurvedic massage oilsTraditional Ayurveda medicine practice is centred on the idea of creating a long & fulfilling life, meaning and principles are to encourage vitality, health and longevity. 

Every morning I treat myself to a little self-massage with one out of my many Ayurevic oils. This massage is a positive way of unlocking the body's innate healing ability, revitalising the body and mind & empowers you to maintain your body's optimum health. 


Ayurvedic oils

 Our Aromatheraphy Chart 

Aromatherapy ChartNot being very familiar with Essential oils, this chart helps me suggest oils for their different benefits as well as it tells me what to be wary about. A two page chart with a whole bunch of information! 

Aromatherapy Chart

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