Massage Therapy Supply Outlet has donated a $200 gift basket to the silent auction for the upcoming SACE "We Believe"event this coming Wednesday.

The Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton (SACE) is a not-for-profit agency that has been in operation since 1975. Last year SACE provided over 4,700 hours of counselling to survivors of sexual violence over the age of three. Their Public Education team delivers tailor-made, age-appropriate presentations to more than 10,000 youth, professionals, parents, and marginalized communities annually. This is crucial as they believe education and awareness are two of the most powerful tools in reducing rates of sexual violence. Their 24-Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Line responds to thousands of calls each year from individuals seeking support or information. Not only are they the only agency in this city that provides these services, but they do so without charging fees because we believe that inability to pay should not be a barrier to receiving support. All proceeds from We Believe will go towards funding these much-needed SACE services.

In Canada, 1 in 3 women and at least 1 in 6 men will experience sexual abuse before turning 18. The cultural climate of silence and shame that our society upholds around the issue of sexual violence not only enables this crime to continue, it leaves survivors and their communities unsupported but at SACE, we believe healing is absolutely possible. Research consistently shows that when survivors are believed and supported by their community, the long-term negative impacts of that violence are drastically reduced and often eliminated entirely.

We Believe in a world where sexual violence is not tolerated, survivors are celebrated for their strength and resiliency, and everyone is actively working towards a future without sexual violence.

MTSO is pleased to help make this dream a reality by supporting this event and by telling survivors #IBelieveYou.


Tagged: community