"I have to cancel my massage appointment, I've been laid off." Sound familiar? With the drop in oil prices, Alberta in particular is finally feeling what other parts of Canada have been dealing with for years. How can we as massage therapists successfully navigate tougher economic times?


Renovate - While there are fewer people coming through your space, now is a good time to put on a fresh coat of paint, change some of your decor, or maybe completely move spaces. Sharing office space with another therapist or practitioner can also reduce expenses.

Educate - Maybe the month-long massage training in Thailand isn't an option, but can you use those unbooked treatment times to catch up on some reading or research? Or, check out some of Touch U's online courses. They can be done on your own time, and they will count towards your CEU's.

Plan - Many of us have spent the last several years just trying to keep up with demand. While there is time to stop and catch our breath, sit down with a financial planner and ask for some help. There may be ways to consolidate loans, reduce interest charges, or set up a savings plan.

Diversify - If you've been considering learning something new, now is good time to explore options. Take a course, develop a skill, or volunteer. Whether is yoga teacher training, fitness leadership, expanding into esthetics, or navigating social media, adding to your skillset will bring networking opportunities into your life and a new perspective to your practice of massage therapy.

Fewer patients coming in does mean lower income, but it doesn't need to mean less work. With good use of time and resources, your massage therapy career can, even in a slower economy, feel fresh and exciting!

In health, MTSO Staff.

See Part 2 Here: what NOT to do in our current economic climate.