Our perennial best-seller! Japanese Mint Oil is so useful and adapts to many situations -you'll soon find it is indispensable.

Keep one of nature's most powerful cooling agents in your pocket. Perfect for calming trigger points and inflammation. One drop on sore or tight muscles can calm inflammation for hours.  When you don't have much time, use mint oil to cool the pain.

A few drops massaged into a specific area:

  • Helps promote circulation. 
  • Relieves tight muscles and muscle cramps. 
  • Useful for injury rehab when treating sprains, strains, swelling and dislocations. 
  • Headache relief when massaged on to the temples and the back of the neck. 
  • Rub on the chest for head and chess cold relief. 
  • Sinus congestion relief add a few drops into a basin of hot water, inhale while keeping eyes closed.

There are no Genetically Modified plant products or extracts used in the manufacturing of Hagina products and only the finest raw ingredients are used. No animals are used for product testing. 

You prefer fragrance-free, but understand that some patients need MORE...a few drops of Japanese Mint will help cool the heat of inflammation. 

Box of 12 for $98.95