Our popular aromatherapy bath salts kits are back for another season - DIY and make a difference!

Get creative, make it fancy and beautiful with precious cloth bags, lovely glass bottles, and give away to all your clients, friends and family this holiday season!

Here's what you get:
- 1 X 25lb bag of Epsom Salt
- 1 bottle 500ml of Fractionated Coconut Oil
- 1 bottle of essential oil Synergy Blend (suggested blends Tranquil
Synergy, Relax Synergy, CF- Cold & Flu, or PM- PMS Blend)
- ziplock bags

Bath Salt Recipe - for 1 bath:
This can be made 1 bath at a time, or multiplied into a large batch to fill many bags to give as gifts!

  • 1 Cup Epsom Salt
  • 1 tsp fractionated coconut oil
  • 3 drops essential oil (blend)

Small batches can be stirred with a fork or spoon, & large batches are easy to mix in a big salad bowl with a large spoon or potato masher, then poured into baggies.

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$68 value, now $58 for the holiday season!