No, this post is not going to help you differentiate between a contractor and an employee. Our associations have already done a fine job helping us understand the finer points of those definitions. Rather, we ask you today to take a step back from your practice and consider: does my approach to work support my long term goals?
As bodyworkers, we often suggest to our patients to think about their physical habits, and implement small changes to get a big result. Our practices are no different, and can be transformed according to how we think about our work.
Many of us are self-employed, but in reality, treat our work like a job. We go to our offices, come home, and give ourselves a paycheque at the end of the month. We keep up with CEUs like any other health care professional, and enjoy what we do, but it is a job. We just happen to be working for ourselves.
A business owner will take a wider perspective:
Massage Therapist asks.... |
Business Owner asks..... |
How can I use my training to help this patient on my table? |
How can I use my massage therapy training to help the widest number of people? |
What do I have in my hands and on my shelf that will help this patient's pain now? |
What can I offer in my office that will improve the wellbeing of the greatest number of people, even after they leave my office? |
Am I using all my training to meet this patient's needs? |
What other patient needs could be met, while they are at my office? |
Answering these questions will help you define your professional persona more clearly in your own mind, and help you set achievable goals for business and personal growth. Could you diversify your income with carrying a small line of products? Or take a course that allows you to add on a treatment or service? Spa treatments, reflexology and hot stones are all good examples of modalities that can easily be added on to massage therapy.
A wider perspective may lead you to reaching goals you never thought were possible - doing Thai massage training at Angkor Wat, signing a lease on a multipractitioner office space, or taking that yoga instructor's course you've been considering for years.
Is it your business, or your job?
Check out the RMT expected salary range HERE - how does your practice compare with this Globe and Mail Survey?
Photo from the NHPC Longevity Conference this year - MTSO owner Joe Clare congratulates a winner of the Massage Chair prize!