Massage therapy is known as a business with minimal start-up costs. Our student packages have done a great job of giving you the basics, but if you're looking to accomodate prenatal clientele, setting up practice can be particularly puzzling. Bolsters or body pillows? Cushions or cut-outs? Extra-wide sheets or a few carefully placed towels? The choices can be mind-boggling, and what's "recommended" often depends on the training, experience, and preference of the practitioner.

We can help you out with some of the equipment basics:

  1. Support system - Whether it's bolsters, a body cushion, a sidelying support system, or a special prenatal table, you WILL need something beyond your ankle bolster. I reccomend something sturdy, that won't be compressed within an inch of its life when a leg swollen with extra fluid is draped over it.   An SLP or Body Cushion may feel stiff, awkward, and weird now, but after 15 minutes that nice soft fluffy pillow from your spare bedroom is of no more support than the rug on your floor. You're a professional. Get the right equipment. Most importantly, support systems such as the Body Cushion or SLP are comfy for the patient and help ensure the safest positioning. Worried that this expensive piece of equipment may end up used once and then forgotten? Go with a multi-purpose tool such as the Body Cushion. Its the Swiss Army knife of massage bolsters.
  1. Extra-wide sheets - Extra-wide sheets give a little more coverage, and will make everyone's life a little less stressful when it comes time to change position. And get the polycotton. Anybody pregnant in the summertime will thank you for this. Get them in the same colour family as your regular sheets so that you can wash everything together easily.
  1. Marketing Tools - Even with the best training and equipment, if no one knows about you, you won't be busy. Help your patients do the marketing for you by offering gift certificates and sending them home with brochures.
A referral for a pregnant mva patient prompted my first Body Cushion purchase. Ordered from MTSO, shipped up within the week, it drastically changed the way I work. 17 years later, I'm on my second Body Cushion, and prepared for anything that comes through my office doors.


Check out the MTSO Pregnancy Massage Collection - featuring 2 levels of Body Cushion sets.

Massage Therapy Supply Outlet offers many products and resources for pregnancy, prenatal and maternity massage, including bolsters, side-lying systems and more. Our pure natural oils and creams are safe for both mother and baby, and our essential oils are perfect for aromatherapy.


And, for inspiration, follow our lovely Pregnancy Massage Pinterest Board.