Despite the six inches of snow falling on the first day of spring, there’s no denying the return of the Canada geese, tulips poking through the dirt, pussy willows, and budding trees.
Many cultures and modalities see spring as a time of cleansing, rejuvenation, rebirth and awakening. Incorporating some aspect of this into your usual massage routine is an excellent way of working with natural cycles, and setting your business apart from other massage therapists.
Post-Winter Skin Care
A scrub and lotion application, exfoliation or mask can be added on to almost any massage treatment. Nervous about treatment length or extra laundry? Try offering a foot exfoliation and moisture bath, or paraffin wax treatment for hands. An extra 5 dollars per day will give you an extra $100 per month, well worth the cost of some salt and an extra towel. Monthly or seasonal specials are a great way to trial new products and treatments, and keep your business interesting for your existing patients.
Weekend Warriors
Across Canada, many people are amping up their training for spring and summer sporting events. Do you have any weekend warriors in your clientele base? This might be a good year to introduce a Weekend Warrior package – one post-event massage with a small gift basket including an appropriate essential oil, roll-on painkiller or rub, and a bag of epsom salts. Or, a series of shorter more frequent treatments to maintain your athlete up to the event, with perhaps one discounted post-event massage.
Treat Yourself First
Of course, before introducing products to your patients, you need test them out on yourself! Come on down to the Massage Therapy Supply Outlet and check out our samples of professional spa-quality scrubs, masks, and lotions. They are the perfect size to trial on yourself. Or, use what you’ve already got on your office shelves in a different way. Your regular massage oil or gel, mixed with some dead sea salt and a few drops of essential oil makes an effective and natural scrub that is easily customized for any patient, on any day, with any skin type.
Realistically, we all know winter in northern Alberta isn’t actually gone until (at least!) May long weekend. For now, the longer days and stronger sunlight are my motivation to move more, eat better, and prepare for the summer days ahead.
In health, MTSO staff