November 2015 MTSO News

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 Energy, Warmth and Light: Heat Therapy
 Marie's Aromatherapy Magic
 MTSO Popular Best-Sellers
 Remembrance Day
 Bursary Deadline Extended!

Energy, Warmth and Light: Heat Therapy

Warm Up and Relax Blend - essential oils from MTSO

Click the recipe to buy your essential oils or for more info

Marie's Aromatherapy Magic

Resident Aromatherapist Marie Wilkinson, has provided a list of warming & soothing essential oils which you can use individually, or together in a blend as described here. We sell all of the mentioned essential oils, as well as some already prepared blends - such as the Well-Being Blend and the Cold & Flu Blend, both of which fall into the Comfort Zone of blends!

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Premium Table Warmer $148

Here at MTSO we want to help each of you find what you need to continue providing much of that energy and warmth and light that those who come to you for healing may be looking for. I can tell you that one of my favourite things in the winter is the feeling of the heat coming through from the table warmer on my massage therapists table. It is such a delight. And just as my muscles appreciate that certain quality of pain that signifies healing, my skin and my inner self bask in the rising glow of warmth of my chilled bones.

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Thermasand with cover $42

I have yet to experience a full on hot-stone massage - and I can't imagine why! I have often enjoyed the warmth of sun-baked rocks against my skin. I would imagine my skin would recall a time from my youth if I were to experience this therapy... a time when I sun-bathed on rocks in Greece...

I'm also partial to weighted items, like our Thermasand which provides the localized heat. Again, there is some kind of comfort and caring that comes from feeling the pressure of the weight of this item.

Stone Therapy Supplies

Link through the photo to see our selection of stone therapy supplies

Get Started with Hot Stone Therapy

 Hot stone massage therapy increases circulation, facilitating maximum blood for optimum body functioning
 Vaso-dilation of blood vessels causes an increase in blood flow around the body, providing the important fuel to keep the body functioning at total efficiency
 Increases cell metabolism, thereby increasing the rate at which the body processes nutrients and toxins
 Increase lymphatic function, thereby increasing detoxification, cleansing and elimination
 Deep relaxation of muscles, helping to alleviate stress and tension
 Creates a feeling of balance and harmony
 Gives the recipient a deeper and longer lasting sense of relaxation

Perennial best-sellers

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Classic favourite: Biotone Advanced Therapy Massage Gel $75.95

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Locally-made to RMT specifications: Soft, natural 100% cotton Flannelette Sheets from $16.95

japanese mint oil

Everyone loves our Japanese Mint Oil 100 mls $32.95

remembrance day tree MTSO 2014

Annual Remembrance Day Tree

For many years we have decorated our small Remembrance Day Tree with poppies. On the 11th day of the 11th month at 11AM we join with the rest of Canada in a moment of silence.
See photos of this year's tree HERE.


Important Notice!

Bursary Deadline for Massage School Students extended to Nov. 30th!

$500 tuition, $500 supplies.
There is still time to apply! Check it HERE. (Second year Alberta Massage School students only.)

frac coconut oil 1 litre large

Pure! 1 litre $27.95

Order online: It's faster

 Order online for delivery or for pickup.
 Our online store is always open, 24/7/365.
 Or shop at our store and showroom - we're open a little later these days to accommodate students 8:30 - 6:30 Mon-Fri, 10:00-5:00 Sat.
 Thanks for supporting Canadian Local Business!

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