For a massage therapist, properly maintained sheets from Massage Therapy Supply Outlet will last 5 years as long as you have the proper number of sheets being rotated. And for poly-cotton, your sheets could last you 7 years. 

Remember: wear and tear on massage sheets comes from washing, not from use. Proper washing uses appropriate detergent specially formulated for removal of creams, oils and gels. 

So we look at life expectancy of MTSO sheets, as well as proper laundry care, along with the right number of sheet sets for your professional practice. 

The standard is usually 10 sets of sheets, including face cradle covers, fitted sheet and flat. At a current price of $29.95 for a set, with life expectancy of 5-7 years for our high quality locally-made massage sheets, we estimate the cost to your practice is merely 50 cents a month, under 2 cents per day. Compare this to some of the cheaper foreign-made sheets on the market where the life expectancy can be only 2 years or less.

It makes better business sense to buy quality! Longevity matters - our sheets can stand the test of time.