As Easter approaches, things keep hopping along here at MTSO. With the unusual warm stretches here in Edmonton, we've really been enjoying the sun streaming through the big glass windows at the front of the store. We're also enjoying how many visitors we get from right across the country. It’s so great that those of you who find yourselves in our fair city of Edmonton (best kept secret), stop in to take a look around.
It’s great to catch up and check in with you, and see how your practice is going. From the sound of things, it seems the massage industry continues to gather credibility and traction. Even with our limp dollar and lagging economy, it appears many understand the importance of taking care of themselves, and they are looking to natural health to do this.
At MTSO we want to keep that momentum going, and want to hear from you about what you want to see in the industry. Share your thoughts, comments, and posts with us on Facebook and let’s keep on spreading the good word, and the healing touch!
Sending you warm and hoppy wishes from all of us here at MTSO!