Hey Edmonton businesses - we've just added this statement to our website, consider doing this too!
"We gratefully acknowledge that the land on which we live and work is Treaty 6 territory and traditional meeting ground for many indigenous peoples, including the Plains and Wood Cree, Assiniboine, Salteaux, Tsuu T'ina, Nakoda and Chipewyan. Their spiritual and practical relationships with the land create a rich heritage for our community."
Not in Edmonton? Look up your city in this article: Canadian Cities Rooted in Traditional Indigenous Territories
Here's a little from the Edmonton City Council’s Declaration “Strengthening Relationships between the City of Edmonton and Urban Aboriginal People”.
Together, We Acknowledge and honour our ancestors, traditions and the spirit of this place - now called Edmonton - that first drew Aboriginal people together. This traditional gathering place, or Pehonan, for centuries has been a peaceful and spiritual place of harmony, balance and commerce for many peoples. It was in this place that early relationships led to the creation of Treaty Six, the Province of Alberta, and the City of Edmonton. We acknowledge and honour the long history of service to the community that continues to be embodied by the City of Edmonton and its employees. We acknowledge that we reside on Treaty Six territory and together call upon our collective honoured traditions and spirit to maintain us in a strong and lasting relationship between the City of Edmonton and First Nations, Métis, Inuit and Non-Status Aboriginal peoples.
We believe that all people in Edmonton are served well by positive relationships between the City and Aboriginal communities. We have a mutual need for Aboriginal people to be represented in the City workforce and for ongoing development of culturally sensitive municipal services that meet Aboriginal community needs. We believe that the foundation for good relationships is based on shared values of honesty, respect, mutual sharing and contribution. These values enhance our community as well as our collective social, spiritual, economic and physical well-being. They also serve our shared interests within the guidelines of accountability, transparency, inclusiveness, responsiveness and shared stewardship.