It's a good idea to look into how the new carbon tax will impact your massage practice, and find a positive solution. Now might be the time to get serious and increase your business, expand your clientele. Find new ways to retain regular clients and keep them all aware of the meaning and value of massage therapy for ongoing health and wellbeing.

The new carbon tax will effect us all with higher prices almost across the board. Is your massage practice in Alberta? Is it considered a small business? Now is the time to find out if you qualify for the one-point break on corporate taxes. That translates as from 3 percent to two percent, starting January 1st, 2017.

But the promised individual rebates soften the impact somewhat. Single earners making $47,500 can get a full rebate. Families earning up to $95,000 also qualify for a full rebate. Rebate for a single adult is set at $200, and a second adult in the household is set for $100. As well, you can expect a $30 rebate for each child, up to a maximum of $120. 

Be prepared and aware of how you can benefit from the rebates, expand your practice, and continue to thrive in 2017.

Tagged: your practice