We're very impressed with Jennifer Stelzer's article in the MTDC BLOG on Massage Therapy, Communication, And Helping Trauma Survivors.Great tips and ethical reminders, including these do's and don'ts.

Do’s And Dont’s 

Do: Create and maintain boundaries in your practice

Don't: Deviate from boundaries


Do: Allow time for a thorough intake

Don’t: Rush your client


Do: Ask for emergency contact

Don’t: Ask marital status


Do: Have a box to check for pregnancy

Don’t: Ask about children


Do: Ask for preferred name & pronoun

Don’t: Assume nicknames or gender


Do: Request current health information

Don’t: Ask about heritage, accents


Do: Ask for surgical/accident history

Don’t: Set time limits (ie: 10 yrs)


Do: Add a box for PTSD

Don’t: Expect full disclosure


Do: Discuss levels of undress

Don’t: Ever adjust bras/underwear


Do: Ask clients about working gluteal areas

Don’t: Ask when client on table


Do: Discuss Informed Consent

Don’t: Make assumptions


Do: Avoid negative words & phrases

Don’t: Talk down to clients


Do: Greet every client with a smile & nod

Don’t: Force a handshake


Do: Respect personal space

Don’t: Initiate a hug


Do: Give advance warning of animals in practice

Don’t: Assume a client likes animals


Do: Ask client about music preference or none

Don’t: Play what you want to hear


Do: Appreciate client’s religious preference

Don’t: Display religious emblems


Do: Treat a body with respect

Don’t: Ask about scars or tattoos


Do: Provide appropriate draping

Don’t: Discuss client weight/height


Do: Acknowledge each client is an individual

Don’t: Council/compare clients


Do: Work in scope of practice

Don’t: Offer nutrition advice or sell other services you provide


Read the full article HERE