“February is the best month to go away,” my patient said to me. “By the time you get back it feels like winter is almost over.”
With temperatures ranging from flowers blooming on the West Coast to record-breaking snowfalls on the East coast, winter doldrums may be just hitting you now, or be in full swing. A winter break is often just what the doctor ordered. Health care workers as a whole are a high risk group for burn out. As bodyworkers, our job is hands-on, which can make us particularly vulnerable. Taking a vacation can help reduce stress, give you a chance to catch up on rest and exercise, and even increase immunity.
Vacations – A short getaway can be life-changing. Whether it’s a week at an all-inclusive or volunteering in a third-world country, getting out of your daily grind will give you a new perspective and often, increased appreciation for said grind. Our very own Joe Clare does an amazing job mixing his travel to Cuba with reaching out to the locals, connecting with Cuban artists and curators.
Stay-cation – Funds and time in short supply? What about a stay-cation? Disconnect – shut off the phone, ignore the emails, find a quiet place and curl up with a book. Or, go out for lunch with yourself or a friend you haven’t seen for along time. Be a tourist in your own town. Have you been to your local museum? Art gallery? Is there a new gym, spa, or bistro you’ve been wanting to check out? Give yourself time to experience and savor your life.
Rest? Who needs rest? – For some of us, a change is as good as a rest. Whether it’s a new exercise routine, learning a modality, training for an athletic event, or expanding our business, challenge is keeps our fires burning. A “break” might come in the form of a taking a weekend course, adding on-site massage to our weekly or monthly activities, or signing up for a 6 week boot camp. Check out our next blog post for more tips on how to make the most of your time and resources.
About 10 years into my massage therapy career, I started to take a week off about every 3-4 months. Sometimes the weeks would correspond with personal commitments or training, but often it was just nice to have a week off. I would rest my hands, examine my schedule and goals, and get caught up on the rest of my life. Invariably, I would come back to work grateful to have a job that I love, and enthusiastic about helping others.