It's Garden Time
We love our garden at the side of the store and behind the building. Each year we plant a riot of tulip bulbs and other flowers, beautifying the area by the sidewalk, trees and picnic table for another season. At...
We love our garden at the side of the store and behind the building. Each year we plant a riot of tulip bulbs and other flowers, beautifying the area by the sidewalk, trees and picnic table for another season. At...
Upcoming May Long Weekend! Relax and enjoy the long weekend! Celebrate and take time for yourself - in nature, with your family, or however you enjoy the long weekend. We're making the long weekend extra-long and taking a needed break. We...
RMT Volunteers Needed!! A special thanks to the volunteers from the MTAA, RMTA and NHPC who will be working together next week to bring relief to the Fort McMurray evacuees. Evacuees are not required to sign up in advance so...
Some of us & our clients participate in annual Spring Cleanses, or Detoxes to lighten-up from our heavier winter selves. We can support the body's fluid & lymphatic movement with aromatherapy blends added to massage mediums for whole-body or area-specific applications, and...
Our previous blog post focused on looking at a slower economy from a positive standpoint, using time and resources wisely and seeing opportunities instead of empty appointment slots. The following are our suggestions for what NOT to do during tough...
"I have to cancel my massage appointment, I've been laid off." Sound familiar? With the drop in oil prices, Alberta in particular is finally feeling what other parts of Canada have been dealing with for years. How can we as...