Internet Roundup - controversy?
"For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring." - Romeo and Juliet, Act 3 The last thing Benvolio wanted was a fight. We are healers by profession, but do we often take a similar posture? When confronted with...
"For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring." - Romeo and Juliet, Act 3 The last thing Benvolio wanted was a fight. We are healers by profession, but do we often take a similar posture? When confronted with...
Whether you’re using a table or chair, most event massage set-ups are less formal than the traditional office appointment. Patients are generally clothed, appointments are shorter, and often back to back with minimal intake and assessment time. Events may...
I woke up one day, and realized May was over. The entire month was gone, in a blur of tulips, unfurling leaves, sun-drenched afternoons and urgent “Can you get me/my son/my best friend’s dog walker in today?” text messages....
May Long Weekend is the traditional kickoff weekend for summer. Sunshine and patios, gardening and family reunions, grad parties, weddings….the last place you want to be is at work, right? Wrong. This year, why not try something different, and stick...
Customers who we usually meet at the NHPC annual conference have asked us if we will see each other at the trade show. This year there won't be a trade show, but here's what we can do for you: If you...
Join and Stay Involved - It's to your Advantage It was the spring of 2012, and massage therapists across Alberta were having the same conversation with their patients. “My insurance company wouldn’t cover my massage therapy invoices. What’s going on?”...